The Present Moment, The now

The Present Moment

If It Is Happening, It is Happening. Everything Else Is Irrelevant

What is the Present Moment? The Present Moment can be best described using two key phrases: “What is actually happening,” and “What is not actually happening.” This defines what the Present Moment - everything else is not the Present Moment: What If, Should Be, Could Be, Hope To Be, Some Day Will Be, This Can’t Be, Shouldn’t Be, Supposed To Be, This Is What Was, This Should Have Been – I Wish It Was Like This, I Wish It To Be Like That. These phrases tell you that you are not in the Present Moment – nowhere near it in fact. I find the two worst phrases are “what if” and “hope” as both stick one way out into a future that does not exist. “What if I never fall in love?” “What if I loose my job?” “I hope someday to loose weight.” These are all phrases that serve no purpose as they define things that are not happening and may never happen. Your life will improve exponentially if you never utter the phrase – “what if” again.

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