There is so much to say about the sun. It is not a burning ball of gas, but a consciousness that is reflected back to us as a burning ball of gas. We cannot comprehend what the sun is, as we cannot perceive it. Nearly all religions worship the sun, or son, as it is our guide. The solar activity we experience influences our entire reality. An increase in the UV output changes the way we “feel” the sun. The sun’s connection to the Earth is paramount to out evolutionary process and its influence cannot be overstated. The suns wind streams, flares, coronal holes and even more subtle energies influence our thinking, sleeping, mood, energy level and most importantly our personal and planetary evolution.

Suspicious0bservers @ is a great place to get real time information about the sun. If you are feeling off, it may be due to changes in the Earth’s magnetic field, as well as incoming solar or galactic energy. You can start you day off by seeing of these elements will contribute. can clue you in to some solar events, though I question what they deem important.

Here are a number of factors that may influence you day:

This talk is a fascinating look at the sun. Pay close attention to the section on the Maya and their images, then ask yourself how they perceived things that you cannot perceive?