Forgive Yourself

Forgive yourself now!

The world of full of various notions of forgiveness. Forgiveness as it is commonly defined is a precarious bit of business - who do we forgive, how and above all when? Forgive this person, or that person. Forgive them for that they have done. Forgive them for what they will do. Forgive the angry boss or the car thief. This is a waste of time and has zero meaning to you.

Forgive yourself. The reality you create is created by you, for you, and it is you that you need forgive.

In truth there is nothing to really forgive. Life is all about experience. The problem in our world is life is all about right and wrong and good and bad. But the bigger greater truth is that life is all about experience, using your magnificent Freewill-self, your Creator Self, to channel tremendous amounts of energy to create a reality to interact with. It is you that has created the “good” and the “bad” so it is you who should be forgiving yourself.

Start forgiving right now:

  • Forgive yourself for all the good you have done in your life.
  • Forgive yourself for all of the nice things you have done for others.
  • Forgive yourself for all of the positive things you have expressed in your life.

Try that and see what that feels like. If you can forgive yourself for all the good you have created you can easily forgive yourself for the bad.

The Harmonizing Statements Technique creates a simple template for you for forgive yourself for whatever you want.